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Heijmans wins performance contract for Sea and Delta North in Zeeland

28 March 2022, 08:00

Heijmans and Istimewa, acting as the Scaldis consortium, have won the contract for the maintenance of the Sea and Delta, Northern district (Zee en Delta Noord) area in the province of Zeeland.

The performance contract has a term of five years with an option for two more years and a total size of around € 30 million, with Heijmans’ share of this amounting to € 16 million. The Scaldis consortium – a reference to the nearby river Scheldt - was previously awarded the management of Sea and Delta, Southern district, by their client the Ministry of Public Works and Waterways (Rijkswaterstaat).

Maintenance and service

This contract for Sea and Delta, Northern district also involves maintenance, service and upgrade work. It covers all the locks - including the Krammer locks, Kreekrak locks and Hansweert locks - and a considerable number of bridges, a 345-kilometre stretch of river banks and bank revetments, plus a pumping station.

About Istimewa

Vlissingen-based Istimewa is a so-called system integrator that links design, implementation and maintenance of electrical and control installations. The work for the Ministry of Public Works and Waterways will largely be provided from Terneuzen and a yet-to-be-determined location on the work site.